Is there life on the glacier?

You can get answers to this on April 16 at Norwegian Glacier Museum in Fjærland.

Polish expert and researcher Krzysztof Zawierucha will be giving a lecture on life forms found in our own backyard - namely Jostedalsbreen National Park.

Austerdalsbreen with the famous glacier falls Odin (left) and Tor (right).

In connection with the lecture, there will be an official celebration of the start of the season at the museum, with the unveiling of a new exhibition about life on the glacier.

19.30-20.15 Lecture and questions from the audience

20.15-20.30 Unveiling of new exhibition and official celebration of the season at the museum

20.30-21-00 Mingling and Krzysztof shows cool things about life on the glacier



-Free (for lifetime members of Norwegian Glacier Museum )

And here you can get a taste of what Krzysztof Zawierucha works with:



Boarding on Jostedalsbreen this summer?


Open museum this winter