The exhibitions

Get a taste of how glaciers are formed, how they have shaped the fjord landscape and why glaciers play an important role in the climate research.

The main exhibition

In the main exhibition you can learn about a number of different topics in glaciology, physical geography, climate, geology and history. Among other things, we have real ice from the glacier, exhibitions about discoveries in glaciers and several interactive activities. The Norwegian Glacier Museum is for the curious person!

The entire exhibition has been translated into 13 languages.

Join us for a safe hike "under the glacier".

Ötzi the iceman.

Experiment with real ice from the glacier.

Our exhibitions:

1. Sculpture by Bård Breivik with real ice from Jostedalsbreen glacier.

2. The panoramic film about Jostedalsbreen and the national park by Falkeblikk AS. Here you can experience the glacier from the air, on the surface, inside the icefall and under the ice! The film is shown three times an hour.

3. Climate change - from past to future. An interactive exhibition on natural and man-made climate change. See Ulltveit-Moe Climate center.

4. What is a glacier? A glacier is the snow that fell last year...

5. What is calving? When pieces of the glacier front fall off and into water, we say that the glacier is calving.

6. Mammoth. The largest land mammal to have lived in Norway. The mammoth tooth from Siberia is 30,000 years old.

7. Weather. What does the weather in an area have to be like for glaciers to exist?

8. Why is the ice blue? A small piece of ice looks white, but in the glacier the ice is blue.

9. Power from the glacier. Meltwater from glaciers can be used for power production. Some power plants are built under the glacier.

10. How much power do you make? With the help of a bicycle you can produce energy.

11. Glacier hiking. See equipment, pictures and learn about glacier hiking and knots.

12. The glacier illusion. Enter the glacier mouth and take a safe hike in a meltwater channel under the glacier. Hear how the glacier moves and the ice melts. Feel the cold wind.

13. The formation of the fjords. Glaciers shaped the fjords over the last 2-3 million years. How? Are they deeper than the Grand Canyon in the USA?

14. Glacier rivers makes new land. The glacier river ensures that Fjærland grows into the fjord every year. How?

15. Why is the fjord green? The water is not transparent in the summer, but sediments from glacial meltwater gives it a grey-green color.

16. Climate and climate change. What is climate and ice ages, what changes climate, what is the greenhouse effect?

17. The willow log. See pieces of an 8520-year-old log, found in a moraine ridge in front of Briksdalsbreen glacier.

18. Ice experiment. Experiment with pressure melting and freezing, and with water flowing through ice.

19. Ice experiment. Grind like a glacier! Here you can be the glacier yourself and help shape a valley.

20. Jostedalsbreen National Park was established in 1991. The glacier museum is located at the border of the National Park. See what the terrain looks like below Jostedalsbreen.

21. Use of the glacier and Tunsbergdalsbreen 1959. Culture and history linked to the glacier. What was it like on an expedition in the 1950s?

22. Experiments and models. Learn about ice melting and sea level, test the ice screw in real glacier ice, see an interactive model that shows why glaciers get crecasses and learn why glaciers are our best climate archive!

23. Ötzi - the man in the ice. The exhibition tells the story of the 5 300 year old ice man Ötzi who was found in a glacier in the Alps in 1991. Read also about discoveries in Norwegian glaciers.

24. What is special about glacial rivers? Learn about how glacial rivers differ from ordinary rivers.

25. The air plane in Bøyabreen glacier. Learn about the plane that crashed on Bøyabreen in 1972, and about the discovery of the wreckage that came out of the ice in 2021 - 49 years after the crash!

Popular attractions

Try the educational play ground

The educational playground is located in the outdoor area, including the  mammoths.

Watch the panoramic film about Jostedalsbreen glacier

The new panoramic film about Jostedalsbreen glacier, produced by Falkeblikk Film Productions AS in Sogndal, was ready for screening in 2020.

Walking through the climate exhibition

The interactive exhibition "Our changing climate - from past to future" takes you on a journey through time.

Museum map

Scientific additional material