Glacier hiking with nature guiding in Fjærland

Fjærland offers a myriad of opportunities for those who want a guided tour on the glacier or in the mountains. Perhaps you're a mountain hiker, but would like someone with local knowledge to join you on the tour? Or maybe you're not much of a hiker and want a guide who can take you safely up and down steep slopes, or in and out of lush valleys? We can put you in touch with the right tour guide for you!

The Norwegian Glacier Museum has its own network of local and experienced mountain guides. Ask us! It is also possible to arrange tour and accommodation packages in Fjærland.

We offer tailor-made tours and packages on request. Smiling guides provide adventurous experiences packed with great stories and local knowledge. During the summer, we offer nature guiding on and to glaciers in the vicinity of Fjærland in advance.

Glacier hiking on Flatbreen

The hike on Flatbreen is a relatively hard and long day hike for fit people. It takes a total of 8-10 hours and there is about 1000 meters of ascent before we reach the glacier front.

Price: 1249,- per person (minimum 4 persons or minimum price 4996,-)

Welcome to your next glacier adventure!

Astri Knudsen

Astri is a content producer and day-to-day manager at Gasta Design and Communication. She is keen to find the good stories and give you targeted content.


Glacier walks on Jostedalsbreen Glacier